Hi there! My name is Natalie, and my dog Bambi is a sweet and sassy almost-4-year-old Cattle Dog mix. She loves swimming, fetching frisbees, snuggling under the blankets, and wrestling with my partner.

In July 2021, Bambi was clipped by a car when she decided to escape the fence and chase after another dog. The expertise and care of emergency vets thankfully got Bambi through the ordeal alive and mostly whole and healthy.
Bambi had a brachial plexus avulsion in her front left leg (this area must have taken the brunt of the car). We were hoping for a miraculous recovery or regrowth of the nerves there, but several weeks passed, and both the neurologist and the physical therapy rehab specialist said that leg seemed to be completely paralyzed/de-enervated.
She had surgery about 2 weeks ago now (exactly 3 months after the accident) to amputate the front left leg. Today is 10 days post-op, and Bambi has been adjusting beautifully!

More details on her recovery process will likely come soon, but I wanted to introduce ourselves to the Tripawds community. It certainly hasn’t been ideal, but I am daily grateful for Bambi’s health, and we are glad to find ourselves among great company.
Welcome and thank you for sharing Bambi’s story. Your future blog posts and pages will publish immediately without requiring moderation.
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Bambi and family welcome! Oh my dog CUTEST TRIPAWD EVER!!!
We are so sorry you had to join our club but very thankful you found us. AND that you survived the car accident. YIKES! No more of that OK? We need you to stick around for a lonnnnnng time so you can be the great Tripawds Ambassador we know you are!
(Natalie, It’s good that you guys were working with the rehab team to try to get Bambi’s leg to work again. We’ve been told by therapists that 3 months is about how long someone should give it, when trying to decide if a leg is going to work again. A lot of people rush into it too soon. Sounds like you’ve got a great rehab team!).